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Heritage Trees of Hazaribagh. Jharkhand

Subhashis Das Hazaribagh has several trees that are old and enormous in size. Spread to a large area of land, many such giant banyans and peepals were felled in the process of the construction of the 4-lane highway. But thankfully several such giants remain. The peepals and the banyans inside the city and the hinterlands of Hazaribagh can be seen spread to a large area. Please take a dekho of the photographs of a few such trees of Hazaribagh (although there are certainly more) that can easily be ordained with the heritage status: Plate 1. The iconic Maulshree tree in the campus of the Mazaar/Peer Baba shrine.    The thick bushy tree in the campus of the Mazaar/Peer Baba shrine in the Court Road has many myths surrounding it.      One legend is that centuries ago a fakir or a sufi saint arrived here beside the then Old Benares Road ( the area must have been quite wooded in those days ). Here he began practicing his faith and singing to his heart's glory, as all sufis do. He was k

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